
Outline what problem are you trying to solve. What’s the history of the issue? What’s the business case for this project?


Outline the goal of the project, including what organizational strategies or initiatives it supports. Describe how completing the goal will impact the organization and/or its customers. Consider including items that are not goals of the project in order to create a clearly defined scope.


List out the work that will need to be completed and by whom. Define teams who should be involved and/or will be impacted. Outline any items that you've identified as out of scope for this effort.

Define success criteria for this project. How will you demonstrate to stakeholders that the project has been successfully completed? Define how the project or its outputs will be measured, and make sure to include any development work for these metrics in the project scope.

Project Roles

Specify who will fulfill what role in the project. Add roles as needed to outline your project team in full.

Consider if there are external parties (such as partners, vendors, or customers) with expectations from this project and how they should be included.

It may be useful to outline an accountability matrix in this section to ensure you're fully clear on communication expectations.


First, define milestones. Are there any deadlines for the project as a whole or the component parts? How flexible are these deadlines? Then, define your project phases and estimate timelines; outline and keep updated throughout the project. Here's an example timeline to kickstart your thinking: